Monday, August 27, 2012

Old Crib into Christmas Decoration

Driving down the road the other day, I noticed two old cribs sitting on the curb.
Not sure if they were for sale or what, I just passed them by. 
They were still there when I drove by that night.
And again the next day, with a FREE sign on them. 
Already  having an old crib sitting out back of my shed, (That I have NO idea what to do with)
I wasn't sure if I should grab these up, so I passed em by yet again.
Couldn't help myself when late that night, I saw they were still sitting there. So I loaded them up in the van and brought them home, certain I could come up with something to do with them. 
And I am happy with the one project I made with the headboard of the crib.

I painted the entire center of the board with a burgundy paint. No sanding, no priming, which made me happy.  I did two coats.

I cut words with my cricut. I intended to use them as a stencil, and peel them off. But I love the way they looked just at they were, so I left them on as stickers. 
And the best part, since I was originally using them as stencils, I used $2.00 shelf liner instead of vinyl.
I sealed it with 2 coats of Mod Podge, and I intend to do 2 more thin coats.


I used black paint on the edges,
I just used a rag to wipe it on, leaving some spots thicker and some spots lighter.
I love how it turned out. :) 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chalk Board Pumpkin

I know it's not even close to being Halloween yet, 
But I needed a project to do. 
I just happened to have this pumpkin laying around. (Ok, I lie, I had to dig it out of my box of  Halloween stuff, buried deep in the garage, but I knew it was in there!)

Bought this awhile ago. 
Paid $9.99 for it, which I didn't think was a bad price. 
I barely used any of it for this entire pumpkin.

Here's my pumpkin!
I have to wait 3 days to condition it with chalk. And then it is finished and ready for Halloween.

Elmo Camera Buddy

I have been seeing some really cute camera buddies, and I figured I would try my hand at making my own! 
Just a quick one, it took me less than 10 minutes from start to finish.

I started out cutting out two circles. I used 2 inch.
(I used my circle cutter to cut them. LOVE this product!)

I intended to use this glue. But WOW, this glue sucks! It would NOT dry. 
So I ended up using hot glue. Gotta LOVE hot glue. Not sure what I will ever end up using this glue for, but I'm sure I will find something one of these days.

 I used two buttons for the eyes. And a red scrunchie for the body. :)

I cut out a nose and of course, hot glued it on. (After I colored it orange. I haven't used a crayon in years!) A piece of felt would have looked much, much better.

 Here it is...not the cutest, but it will do for now. 
Hoping it does not scare my newest niece. LOL