
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Home Made Laundry Detergent

I am a HUGE fan of saving money.
Awhile ago, I decided to make my own laundry detergent.
I was very leery of this. Positive in my mind that it just would never measure up to store bought brands.
But to my amazement, it worked. And it worked well!

I found this link from pinterest. Certain I would have to try at least 3 recipes before I found one I loved. But this was the one I used, and the one I will stick with. 
All of the instructions can be found on her page...

I purchased all of the items from the list on the previous website I just shared. 
And the total cost for me came to

From my previous batch of this detergent, I got about 8 months worth of laundry.
I do an estimated 1 load of laundry a day.
That brings my total of laundry soap PER load of laundry to a grand total of about 
Yes, you read that right. 
It only cost me 9 cents a load for detergent.

I found this link for making Fabric Softener stretch farther.

I haven't tried this yet. But I did soak my washcloths, and they smell so good.
I stored them in an airtight container.
And can't wait to see if they work.
If they work, I will be getting over 1000 "dryer sheets" per my bottle of Downy!
I hope they work! If so, it will cost me just a penny for each load!
I will keep you updated as to if they actually do in fact work for me.

The Downy Rags actually work fairly well.
Although, I don't seem to be able to get 10 loads from each rag.
I can get about 5 loads. 
Which is still a HUGE savings. I am getting FIVE x the amount I am paying for.
And that still makes me very, very happy.
How can saving money not make you happy, happy, happy! 

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