
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fabric Tree from Hangers

I was cleaning out my closets, and had a stack of  metal hangers I planned to throw out.
While staring at the pile of hangers, I kept thinking "I can make something out of those!" 
(I get hangers by the dozen, thanks to my husband. Every week his work pants come on a new set of hangers. So every week, I end up with 12 metal hangers, which totals almost 50 a month)

So I thought of making a giant tree out of them.
Now, a few people have mentioned that a tomato cage would  work for this, 
but I don't have 50 tomato cages just laying around like I do hangers. LOL

I used a hanger and bent it into a round, circle shape. I attached it to itself. 
(I didn't get very good pictures, I will take better ones on my next attempt)

I then took about 6-8 hangers, and straightened them out completely.
(I used needle nose pliers to help me with this part.)

Now came the hard part for me. My husband was of great assistance.
I took the straightened hangers, and attached them to my circle hanger.
Even with my pliers, I just couldn't get them tight enough, that's where my husband came into play. 
*Yay for muscles and strong, loving husbands.

I attached 6 of the hangers all around my circle. 
*It would have been better using about 10-12 hangers, but I got lazy. 
And be careful, once we attached a few of the hangers, they liked to jump around as we were attaching the rest. Almost took my eye out. :)

After all the hangers were attached, I pulled them all up, and using a piece of fabric cut in a long strip, secured them all into the tree shape. (It doesn't matter how it looks, you will be covering it up with different material anyways)

Horrible Pic, but it gives you a bit of an idea of how I attached the hangers.

I then used a BUNCH, and I mean a BUNCH of scrap fabric I had.
I cut all the fabric into strips 3 inches long by 1 inch wide.
*Just enough to tie each piece into a knot

I then used the cut strips and started tying them onto my hangers. 

I then placed some lights inside of the "tree", and called it done. 
Here is my finished tree.
And I am very happy with it.

This project took me a couple hours to finish. But it was something to do while I watched TV.

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