
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Redo of a camera case

A well known fact about myself, I HATE FELT or any other itchy material. 
I mean I HATE it!
I can't touch it, and if for some reason I have to, it takes my breath away, literally and in a bad way!
That is the reason for this project.
(The material bothers me so bad, I had to wear gloves while doing this project LOL)

I received a free camera bag when I bought my camera. Only thing is, the inside was horribly itchy. I had to fix that. 

Fact #2 about myself, I am impatient. Once I get an idea in my head, I have to do something about it. 

I had no good material on hand. But while digging in my stash, I came across this yoyo kit I had recently purchased for $2. Didn't know what I was going to do with it, but had to have it for that bargain price.
So I figured why not use this!

I cut out the yoyos. 
And found it was much faster to fold the material in half and that saved me half the cutting time!

Here is the inside of my camera bag BEFORE. ALL itchy and not so pretty. 

Here is a before and after of the camera bag inserts.

I simply took the round material pieces, and hot glued them in place. I overlapped and glued. 
It is not perfect, I should have waited and got fabric glue to do this. But my impatience won out.


I have yet again given my camera bag a makeover.
This time, I used some scrap material. And made a pattern the best I could.
Once I got my pattern all cut and fitted, I traced it out on my good material, and added 1/4 inch for seam allowance. I wanted it to have a "finished" appearance to it.
I folded all the edges of my fabric with a 1/4" fold. Ironed, and then sewed around all.
I then used fabric glue, and glued it into place in my camera bag,  Using clamps to hold it tight overnight.

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