I have 2 friends I know about to have a baby, both having little girls.
So while a friend and I were out shopping,
I came across these fabric bags, for just $1.00 a piece.
She talked me into buying them, saying I could make them cute somehow to use for our gifts.
Well, not one to sit around and wait, I had to see what I could come up with.
I was actually lucky enough to have every thing on hand that I needed.
I even had a baby onesie sitting around.
(I know, weird, I don't have any kids. I don't want kids. Nor does my husband.
But when my sister gave me this to give to my nephew who was having a baby, I just couldn't part with it.
Thought maybe one day, it would make us change our mind about having kids. LOL)
I used the onesie to trace around on my pink material.
You could always print out an image to use as a template.
I wasn't loving how long the onesie looked, so I shortened it up a bit.
And this was my cutout.
I attached some double sided fusible webbing to the back of my cutout and attached to the bag.
(It gave it more stability, and it held it firmly in place as I sewed around the edges. I used my zigzag stitch, used a regular sewing machine. So it is far from perfect.
(It gave it more stability, and it held it firmly in place as I sewed around the edges. I used my zigzag stitch, used a regular sewing machine. So it is far from perfect.
And here it is attached to the bag.
(You might want to embellish on the onesie before you add it to the bag. But for me, it was just easier doing it this way)
Now came the fun part, embellishing.
Actually, this is always the hardest part for me. I never know how much or how little to add, or where to place everything. So I just played around with everything I had. I tried different ribbons in different placements. Different material for either a heart or star. And this is what I came up with...
Actually, this is always the hardest part for me. I never know how much or how little to add, or where to place everything. So I just played around with everything I had. I tried different ribbons in different placements. Different material for either a heart or star. And this is what I came up with...
I then sewed it all on. It's far, far from perfect, barely even good. But I still think it's cute enough to use as a gift bag. And it is reusable, even if it just holds junk hidden far away in the back of a closet.
Finished both of them in less than an hour.
The one with white ribbon on it is my favorite.